Sunday, February 25, 2007

Adding to the Story

I called Lisa today, I don't even know what to think about her. She was back in the hospital because she "ate a bottle of xanax". She tells me that she should be dead. Apparently last weekend she called everyone on Saturday and was really nasty to everyone. I guess that was why she called me but she doesn't remember calling anyone or talking to anyone. She didn't talk to me. Her parents went and got her and took her to their house and were just going to keep her there but then she went in the bathroom and her dad caught her going to take the bottle of aspirin-which I know from many years ago does nothing but make a person sick (and no, I didn't do it). So they took her back to the hospital.

She did come home on Thursday. She had her medication changed and no longer has a prescription for xanax. She is set up with therapy, who knows if she'll go. But in the meantime her charming husband got an emergency order giving him full custody of the girls and won't let her see them and won't let her mom see them either. So basically he is just being an asshole all around. He also has a picture of he and his girlfriend on his MySpace page.

I talked to her for about five minutes. She and her friend Joanne are going to a concert. So, I guess she's really concerned about everything.

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