Tuesday, February 20, 2007

For Those of You Keeping Score

Lisa is back in the hospital. My mom told me yesterday that her mother (Lisa's) had her committed and she can't sign herself out this time. She signed herself out last week. All I was told was that she was admitted for "drugs and alcohol". As far as I knew, she quit drinking before she was even 21 due to several incidences of being so intoxicated and sick later that she just didn't want to do that anymore. Oh yeah-and those incidents were mostly mine and Stacy's faults. (Stacy and I don't recall holding her down and pouring that Captain Morgan's down her throat but whatever) And as far as I know she stopped using any drugs before she had her first daughter, who is almost 9. So unless she went on some sort of bender over the weekend; OR it was for the Xanax usage, I have no idea.

Sheri's father passed away. He was in the hospital for 144 days. Jill and I went to the funeral and Sheri wasn't there. We found out later she was deathly ill with a stomach virus that is going around. I am sure she'll be emotionally traumatized from that. I should call her.

Brandon has a girlfriend. He has been in a better mood. We are worried about what will happen when Zoe decides she doesn't want to be his girlfriend anymore. They are 6th graders after all. Now he's arguing with us that WE are obsessed with tv. We watch like one show a day, and this is coming from the child who CRIED when he missed the season finale of the Avatar because "they never show reruns of this show". I would like it noted that the show was repeated three times that same weekend! And he has seen it at least five times. But anyway...

Alyssa is grounded again because she thinks all adults are stupid and that this will be the time she gets away with it. Whatever it may be. This time "it" is that she had note cards due for a research paper she's supposed to be working on. I asked her every day how it was coming along "oh good"; asked her if she was where she was supposed to be "yep". The day before I got the phone call from her teacher telling me about the note cards that were due two weeks before the day he called she asked if she could go to Sheila's next door because "all my homework is done" and I said "what about the research paper, are you up to date?" Of course! So when I got the call and I pointed out to her that she had been lying to me and to her teacher she said "I didn't lie to Mr. C" well I suppose telling him you don't have you cards with you is technically not a lie-just because you don't have them because they aren't done. ::sigh:: I give up. But I did remind her that she told me the night before that all her homework was done and I specifically asked about that paper and she said that too. She did have to relent that that was in fact a lie. She lucked out on the grounding. It was originally two whole weeks but we gave her one and now have just put restrictions on school night activities. No more visiting friends on school nights. Unless she can pull off a report card with only A's and B's. Since that hasn't happened since 2nd grade, I am not too worried about it happening now.

Off to watch Prison Break.

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