Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I hate everyone

You know, some days I wonder why I even bothered to get married. Today is one of those days where I would definitely be happier if I was just by myself. My husband is being a miserable jerk and has decided that I am the one with the issue. Whatever. Asks me something then says "nevermind I don't want to hear it". Charming, I'll just talk to myself this evening.

We get pizza on Tuesdays because it's music lessons, the teacher comes here and he eats with us, so pizza is the easiest thing to do. I tell my husband we need to get bread so he may as well go a few minutes early. Now, to be fair, I asked him to help me copy a CD for Heather because I was having a hard time because some bands (you know who I mean Heather) really know how to work this copyright protection. So he's pissy trying to figure that out and I say "well, I am not going to see Heather until the 20th so it doesn't need to be done immediately. We can figure this out later." No, we have to do it NOW. So he's all worked up about that. I remind him to go get the pizza, he says ok but nothing happens. So I get all ready to go get it and he yells "I'll go". No, I have my coat on, goodbye.

He apologized for being jerky, went to Wawa to get bread and milk and after the music teacher left, went back to being jerky. That was when we went to "I don't want to talk about that." mode. So I am just not talking to him. The best part about it is that he doesn't even notice. I cleaned up the kitchen and now I am writing a tirade.

He's still messing around on the computer. I am going to go to bed in a minute and I am sure that he'll be down here for at least another hour. I am so annoyed. Yes, this is rambling. I am not even going to try to talk to him because now I am pissy.

South Park is really funny tonight though.

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