Friday, July 28, 2006

Air Travel

I have not flown for two years. Two years ago I went to Miami by myself to see my cousin and her best friend. It was a girl's trip. Sole purpose of which was lay by the pool, drink and go out dancing. I don't recall the flying part sucking royally. But this trip to Orlando was horrible.

First of all, taking your shoes off is just stupid. So there everyone is, with their kids and bags and everything else and no one has shoes on and the line is backed up because everyone is trying to get their shoes and their kids shoes back on and get their stuff. It's just ridiculous. I have no interest in blowing up anyone or anything, but I firmly believe that if someone does, they are going to find a way, even if they have to take their shoes off.

I flew on Southwest because they had a good deal, $59 each way-bargain. My aunt has flown here from Florida tons of times on Southwest and my uncle has come here from Nebraska. My aunt was the one who told me about the special. They are great. Um, yeah, so we get there and find out there are no seat assignments. You get on and sit where you want. The flight was delayed for over an hour. I forget why now, weather probably. Thunderstorms, it is summer after all. When we finally board the plane there are 38 people already on board (they told us this-I didn't count) so naturally, even though we are in the "A" group, can my family sit together? No, of course not. So we stick the kids with a girl who looked their age and we sat two seats away with a woman who was sitting alone. God knows what my kids were doing during that flight. No doubt annoying the people in front of and behind them.

The flight was generally horrendous. Loads of turbulence. We dropped several times. That's great. Once I was in the bathroom. They knocked on the door to check on me. There's a little light in there that tells you to go back to your seat. Well, sorry, can't do that right this second. When I came out they asked me if I was ok. Said I had nerves of steel. It was a lot of turbulence.

The flight home was equally wonderful. I forgot to get our boarding passes the night before so we were in the "B" group for boarding. We left to allow two hours to drive from Vero Beach, where my cousin lives, to Orlando. It's usually an hour and 45 minute drive. Our flight was supposed to leave at 4:50. We were there at 3. A little earlier than the recommended hour and a half they want you to sit there and do nothing, not too terrible. We are checking our bags and the guy says "it's still showing on time but there is weather here and weather there so it is going to be delayed". Yeah, imagine that, there is weather. **sigh** Yes, there are thunderstorms in Philadelphia and Orlando in July. After about 15 minutes of sitting at the gate we are informed that the flight is delayed until 6:45. Great. Almost 4 hours in an airport with an 11 and 12 year old. Fun. There was "weather" and an air traffic control problem. Ok, well, who scheduled all those flights for the same air space??

The people at the gate tried to blame Philly. The exact quote was "If a leaf falls on their runway, they shut down." Interesting. I've had far more problems leaving Orlando than I have had with Philly. That "weather" and all. And I once sat 14 hours in the Atlantic City airport. (then my kids were 4 and 5-imagine the fun that was)

Anyway, they tried to make everyone feel better by changing the time to 6:00. Moved another flight that was supposed to leave at 6 from the gate, which caused everyone to line up. Bad enough I was a "B". I wasn't going to be last in the line for "B". And then we stood there and no one boarded the plane until about 6:15. We did find three seats together so my kids didn't have to sit alone this time. We took off at about 6:50. Yeah, 6:00 my ass. That flight was also generally terrible. Lots of turbulence. We got home hours after we were supposed to. Then the storms actually hit so we drove home in terrible rain, flooded roads. Overall a wonderful evening.

I guess the moral here is not to go to Florida in July. Actually, I guess it's don't go anywhere in July. The thunderstorms are going to cause problems and your air travel is going to suck all the way around.

Then again, since I am a teacher, I have no option but to go places in the summer. See, and everyone thinks it's so great being a teacher.

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