Monday, November 05, 2007

Date Night

Rob and I have been going out on date night on Fridays. We started a few weeks ago. It's good that we have kids who are now old enough that we can say "see ya" and just leave them home. So far we have gone to the Mutter Museum and to dinner one week, the next week we went to a concert, She Wants Revenge, on Thursday and then saw Rocky Horror on Friday-but according to the therapist, movies don't count. I had never seen it and it was playing at the IMax for Halloween. This past week we went on a ghost tour in Philly. It was ok but we went on one in Charleston before and that one was much better. I am in charge of planning this coming week. Thursday we are going to see Duran Duran on Broadway. I am also planning dinner on Friday because I am not sure the DD concert counts. Although it is something different than what we usually do. But since movies don't count because you can't talk and whatnot, I am not sure if concerts count either. Although we will have a long car ride where we can talk.

So that is really all that is going on here. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law are drving us crazy worrying about Alyssa's MySpace page. It would be nice if everyone would just let me parent my own kids. I don't bother them about their kids! Everyone can decide how to raise their own!

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