or, as my pledge class motto, better late than pregnant. Either way...
Last Thursday Rob and I went to see Duran Duran on Broadway. I would have liked to go with my usual Duran friends but they had other stuff going on and it just wasn't going to work out. Beth pretty much summed it up in her email to everyone, just when you think you are going to see them because you *have* to, they go and put on a fantastic show. I am not really crazy about the new album but I like it better live. I have noticed recently that I like most music better live-Morrissey for example.
But anyway, the new music was first, then an electro-set or something like that. I was espcially excited by that because tey did some different songs. Last Chance on the Stairway and some stuff from Big Thing, which is my favorite album. Then of course were the obligatory top tens-minus Hungry Like the Wolf, which is always a plus. Rob and I had a good time and I am glad that I decided to go.
I am not however, glad that we drove. We sat in traffic for two hours. We went a half mile in that amount of time. It was a nightmare. I have also decided that being trapped gives me panic attacks. I have them once in a while and I had one after being stuck in that one spot for all that time and then having to go through the tunnel. The whole problem was that there was only one lane going into the tunnel. But once we got out of there I noticed that I was especially wound and on edge. Fun.
Nothing much else is going on. Things are going well here. I went to the NJ Assoc. of School Librarian conference yesterday and today. My assistant and I stayed overnight. Nothing exciting. I thought it was interesting that there was a hot tub there and she and I seemed to be the only people who took advantage of that. Bunch of fuddy-duddys! Whatever, we didn't have to deal with anyone else that way-so it was better anyhow. Neither of us really likes people.
Rob and I are trying to decide what to do for date night this week. One of the choices is dinner and a movie. We decided that even though the counselor said that movies don't count, we have been talking and spending a lot of time together so if we want to go to a movie, we will! We'll see. I am going to go hang with Rob for a while now since I wasn't home last night.