Monday, October 30, 2006
I Hate Fall
Work is the usual. However, I found out that another 'specials' teacher has been pulled from her stupid reading buddy day to substitute in classrooms a few times. She came to ask me if I had been pulled a lot. I said no, the real answer is not at all but she doesn't need to know that. Then I found out from one of the classroom teachers that she never shows up for her reading buddies-so maybe that's why the principal pulls her and not me. I am actually doing what I am supposed to be doing. I'd like to know what she is doing with the 80 minutes a week she's not showing up for the one teacher who told me about it. And if she's not showing up for her, she's probably not showing up for anyone what's she doing for three days a week? None of my business I suppose.
All of us got notices that we'll be covering for teachers at some point in the upcoming week while they are at workshops. It's so ridiculous. They were told to call in no sub needed and we have to cover. So several of the specials teachers are calling out sick. However, since my day is Monday and I am calling out Friday so that I can hang out with Stacy who is visiting from Florida and going to see Duran Duran with my Duranie friends...I am not going to turn around and call out again Monday. I figure I'll cause enough trouble calling out Friday to make up for it. There is always a problem with subs on Fridays and since there may be other people calling out to make their point, there could be no one for me, and since I actually have classes Friday, she'll have to do something about it. The art teacher was advised not to call out since she is non-tenured. The whole thing is stupid and has been brought up with the union, but they never do anything about our ridiculous schedules so I have no reason to think it will be any different this time.
I know I am totally in the midst of my PMS because I am so miserable I am sitting here thinking (and you must say this with a whine) "I don't feel like going to a concert Friday." Dammit! I am going to be completely pissed when I get my period on Friday. Totally is a curse. Blegh. I am going to go watch tv for a while. Something completely mindless.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Belly Dancing
As I posted earlier, I had a few bad days this week. For whatever reason I was miserable. Well, last week I had talked to Lisa about going to a belly dancing class at this place near where she lives. We decided last week that we were going to go. I am glad that I did. I was definitely cheered up and feeling better after that. Although, Lisa thinks I should go on medication, I think that’s just so she won’t be the only one on meds!
We got scarves to wear around our waists that have beading and coins that jingle. I think we were not shaking hard enough because everyone else had beads and coins flying off but Lisa and I didn’t. In addition to the regular dance, they have a veil dance that we were working on. The veils are 9 feet long. We were doing that and Lisa got tangled up in her veil and almost fell. That was pretty funny.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
So, I was fine but then as soon as I pulled in the driveway here I just felt like "bleh". Earlier I said that my schedule this year wasn't so bad. Well, on paper I guess it's not but in reality it sucks. I just cannot beleive that the board of education or the taxpayers in this district can possibly be aware that for three out of every seven days I am simply a glorified babysitter. Well, one of those three days I have two classes-80 minutes. The rest of the day, babysitting. I did not go back to school and do all that work, with a family, to get a master's degree and babysit. Why don't I just open a home day care center.
I guess it is time for me to get serious about looking for a new job. Although I am extremely practical and the fact is that ten years vests your pension and this is my ninth. I don't know if I want to continue in the public schools at all, so why should I move to a new school for one year? Then again, maybe I'd like it better in another district or another grade level. I just don't know what to do. I do know that I have to work for 340 more days for my pension to vest. Who's counting? And that is not even a whole year.
Oh well. I think I am just feeling way to sorry for myself right now. So I better not go on.