Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Just a note to say Happy New Year to the three of you who read this.  Rob and I went to a bar/restaurant right in Williamstown for New Year's Eve.  They had dinner, dancing and two hours of open bar included in the price which was $55.  That was pretty good as far as we could tell.  Most of the things we saw were over $100.   We had a good time until at midnight we went to the dance floor for the countdown and stuff.  Shortly afterward we were heading back to the table and someone stepped on my foot.  Spiked heel right on two of my toes, slid down between them so I have broken skin and a lovely bruise.  Plus it hurts a lot.  We put ice on it at the table.  I was crying, in public, so you know it hurt a LOT.  Here are a couple of photos...


Becca said...

Happy new year to you, too! You guys look awesome (great dress!), and I'm so sorry to hear about your foot! :-(

e.Beth said...

very nice dress, but sucks about the foot! i walked into a chair yesterday and stubbed my little toe so bad that i had trouble getting shoes on this morning. i don't think it's as bad as your injury, tho. did the woman at least apologize?

Unknown said...

Okay, I'm slow in catching up, but in my defense, I was out of the country! Happy New Year to you both and yeowch! That hurts! Hopefully she apologized...?