Monday, December 10, 2007

Life Lessons

So here is the story of what happened yesterday. Aly wanted some boy named Cody to come over on Saturday. I said no because we had to go to my grandmother's funeral. She wanted him to come over later in the evening but he needed a ride home and I did not feel like doing that so the answer was still no. I was feeling generous and was was going to tell her that he could come over Sunday because she got a bum deal the rest of the weekend. She has to stay home with her brother on Fridays and then Saturday she had to go to a funeral. So we are eating breakfast at noon (teehee) on Sunday and this kid just shows up. Rob was mad and wanted to send him home but I was going to let her invite him over so I said let him stay and we will discuss this with her later. The end result of that was she never told him that we said it was ok for him to come over.

So he comes in, Aly is not even dressed. He introduces himself, obviously, I sent Aly to gt dressed, and I had Brandon show him where the PlayStation was. When Aly came down I asked her who brought him, she said his dad, and then I asked if his dad smokes or if it is him that smokes. She tells me she asked him and he said he does not smoke, so she guesses his dad.

She calls Sheila to come over, then they all went to Sheila's to decorate the Christmas tree. When they came back, Rob and I were cleaning the garage. Rob went in the house for something, came out and told me "teen drama unfolding". A few minutes later, Aly, Shelby and Sheila come into the garage and Aly is crying. I ask her what's wrong. She's upset because he lied. He does smoke. She doesn't understand why he lied about it. I said, "What have I told you? This is your lesson for the day, I know what I am talking about, BOYS LIE."

After we took him home I asked her if she asked him why he lied. He said because he knew that both she and Sheila didn't like it and he thought they wouldn't like him if they knew. (So why he went out and smoked when he was at Sheila's-no idea, whatever.) But anyway, that just proves my point that boys will say whatever if they think it will get them what they want. Is it wrong to teach my daughter that? I think not!

Today she came home and told me that "everyone" at school said Cody is also on drugs. So I think we're done with Cody. He seemed like a nice enough kid and didn't look like he was on drugs, but who knows.

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