I just emailed Beth and was telling her this story. I thought Becca might want to hear it too. So here it is.
Here's something... Aly wasn't really talking to Sheila for a while because of the whole grounding thing. So she was talking to this other girl named Ali. Ali knows Sheila from gymnastics and Aly knows Ali because she used to date this guy Jeremy, then Jeremy broke up with Ali for my Aly. So they were NOT friends. This is a fantastic teen drama story.
So Ali is dating Todd. She breaks up with Todd to go back out with Jeremy, this was about a month ago. Then Todd starts talking to Aly. Meantime, Ali is talking to some guy named Mike but still with Jeremy. Jeremy doesn't want her to talk to Mike. Wonder why? Maybe because she was with Todd and talking to Jeremy then dumped Todd for Jeremy. So Todd and Aly are friends. Ali tells her she doesn't want her talking to Todd. I am like "huh?" So Aly is mad because who does Ali think she is. She asks me can she meet Todd at the park, I said ok but then it was late so I said Todd could come here but no park. So Todd came here. Todd is actually cute btw. Every other guy Aly has told me is cute I say "seriously?" Oh yeah, and Mike sent Aly a myspace message and she's not allowed to talk to him either. Ali told Aly she doesn't want her talking to Todd because 'she still cares about him'.
So it's like this big secret that Aly is talking to Todd. Sheila is taking Ali's side, basically Aly should do what they say. So Aly is talking to no one but Kelsey. Aly was supposed to see Todd Monday but he had a show and it was over late. Then she finds out that Sheila and Ali are at this show. It was at Franklinville bowling alley or some such. Then Todd tells Aly he is in love with Ali so he is not going to talk to her anymore. Aly then finds out that Ali broke up with Jeremy. So I say "Oh, so he thinks he's getting her back?" Then Sheila tells Aly that at this show the other night, Todd had a hickey, so they speculate Aly did it. Aly did not put it there, Ali did not put it there. So I say, basically, what you are telling me is Todd is an asshole?
Aly wants to know why people think they can tell her what to do. I agree with her. But seriously, did we act like this about boys???