I am nowhere near as bad as Beth with updating my blog. She never writes! I am trying really hard to get myself back together. I don't know if you were reading my blog last year around this time, I was kind of a mess. I am much better than that now, but I had a rough summer and fall and I am working my way through it all. I got disorganized, cluttered, late on bills, the whole nine yards, and I am finally getting back on track.
This is for Beth and Birm too, I haven't forgotten anyone, I love you all and miss you. There are many days when I think "wow, I haven't seen anyone for so long." I have been focusing on me and my marriage. With everything going on with me physically and emotionally I don't have much time left for anything after that!
I may be getting into PMS time because this is getting all maudlin (to use one of Beth's words).
At any rate, I am looking forward to summer. Only 19 more days of school and I called out tomorrow! We have rented a house for a week in Cape May. Birm, I hope you will plan to come down! We can get in some beach time. I'll just have to get you good directions! Of course, anyone who is reading this is welcome, just that Birm is my beach buddy!
So, that's it. Want pictures of my cat staring at herself in a mirror? Beth says she looks possessed, which is not nice! People get red eye, cats get green! I usually take pictures of our leaves to post, but it was raining and they picked them up today. Oh well. We're not done yet!