Anyway, what's going on around here...On Monday Rob wakes me up with "I need to talk to you about something". Those who read this who know 'everything' will obviously understand that this is not a good thing to hear. He then tells me that the refrigerator leaked, the kitchen floor is wet, part of the basement ceiling fell down, the carpet down there is wet. Argh. This is ok though considering what I thought it could be about! The insurance company came Thursday then sent some clean up people. They tore the carpet out of the basement and ripped up part of my kitchen floor. Some appliance people are coming Thursday because the insurance company doesn't want anything fixed until we know what happened. So that's fun.
I put in for a transfer to a middle school for next year. However, they are talking about cutting two librarians at the high school so one of them may get that job. We'll see. I am still hoping. I have been around longer than they have and if they didn't put in for it, it may be their tough luck when one of them gets stuck with my job. I am hoping that the transfers get processed before cuts are finalized.
That's really it I guess. Nothing exciting. Like I said...I'm bored.